Monday, April 17, 2017

Loose Eyelids & Dry Eye Problems

Loose Eyelids Cause Dry Eyes?
Sometimes we are surprised by the many conditions and circumstances that can cause you to have dry eye problems. We know that many common medications, including those for blood pressure and allergies can certainly cause dry eyes. We know that the hormonal changes associated with menopause can cause dry eyes as well as certain environmental conditions of dustiness, breeziness or dryness you might encounter. We also know that problems with eyelid inflammation, called blepharitis, or systemic inflammatory diseases as well as contact lens wear can contribute to dry eye symptoms. Now, according to research we reviewed in Cornea we also know that loose eyelids may also cause a disruption of the normal tear film and lead to dry eye complaints. In a study of some 138 patients, those who had loose eyelids were much more likely to suffer from sensations of grittiness, in adequate tear film quality and quantity and dry spots on their cornea-all key sign and symptoms of dry eye. The researchers concluded that eyelid laxity or looseness should be tested in anyone with dry eye complaints as it might be a source of the problem.

If you or someone you know is bothered by dry eyes please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

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