Sunday, April 30, 2017

Eye Cosmetic & Makeup Tips for Eye Health

Eye makeup is very popular. But, unfortunately we often see careless handling and application of eye cosmetics that leads to infection or other eye problems. Safe use of eye makeup is important. Here are some common sense tips to know before using eye makeup that can help you maintain eye health:
·       Always wash hands before applying cosmetics.
·       Toss eye makeup after using it for several months, since bacteria and fungi can grow quickly in the tubes and containers and multiply within a few months. These germs can irritate and damage the eyes.
·       When opening new packages of eye makeup, use a permanent marker to write the date on the container to help you remember when the products were first used.
·       Use only eye cosmetics on the eyes-not cosmetics formulated for other facial areas. Always apply makeup with clean brushes and sponges.
·       Never apply cosmetics to the inner eyelid as this may irritate or inflame the eyelids and sensitive tissue around the eyes.
·       Don’t share cosmetics with other family members or friends.
·       Avoid permanent coloring and dyes for eyelashes, which can damage eyes if not used correctly.
·       Don’t use eye cosmetics if your eyes are irritated or infected.
·       Avoid using eye makeup products that are glittery or shiny, as they may include ingredients that contain fine particles that can irritate your eyes.
·       Before going to sleep, always gently wash off all cosmetics and brush a clean cotton swab along the eyelashes to remove makeup deposits.

If you or someone you know has redness, eye irritation, itchy or discomfort they believe might be related to eye makeup or cosmetics please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Contact Lenses Increase Computer Vision Syndrome

Contact Lenses Increase Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is a condition that results from prolonged focusing of your eyes on a computer or other display device for protracted, uninterrupted periods of time. Typical symptoms of CVS include headaches, blurred vision, neck pain, eye redness, fatigue, eye strain, dry eyes, irritated eyes, double vision, vertigo, dizziness and difficulty refocusing the eyes. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, computer vision syndrome affects about 90% of the people who spend three hours or more a day at a computer. We now know that CVS is actually made worse by contact lens wear. According to a study in Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics contact lens wearers are more likely to suffer CVS than non-lens wearers, with a prevalence of 65% for contact lens wearers. In particular, people who wear contact lenses and are exposed to the computer for more than 6 hours per day are more likely to suffer CVS than non-lens wearers working at the computer for the same amount of time.

If you or someone you know suffers from symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) please feel free to contact us for guidelines and help with the uncomfortable effects. Please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Loose Eyelids & Dry Eye Problems

Loose Eyelids Cause Dry Eyes?
Sometimes we are surprised by the many conditions and circumstances that can cause you to have dry eye problems. We know that many common medications, including those for blood pressure and allergies can certainly cause dry eyes. We know that the hormonal changes associated with menopause can cause dry eyes as well as certain environmental conditions of dustiness, breeziness or dryness you might encounter. We also know that problems with eyelid inflammation, called blepharitis, or systemic inflammatory diseases as well as contact lens wear can contribute to dry eye symptoms. Now, according to research we reviewed in Cornea we also know that loose eyelids may also cause a disruption of the normal tear film and lead to dry eye complaints. In a study of some 138 patients, those who had loose eyelids were much more likely to suffer from sensations of grittiness, in adequate tear film quality and quantity and dry spots on their cornea-all key sign and symptoms of dry eye. The researchers concluded that eyelid laxity or looseness should be tested in anyone with dry eye complaints as it might be a source of the problem.

If you or someone you know is bothered by dry eyes please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A LASIK Story to Share

“My husband and I came in for our yearly exams as we always do. He was interested in LASIK. It had never really crossed my mind until he inquired about it. We both decided to come in for consultations. Come to find out, I was a candidate and he wasn’t. While my husband was kind of bummed that he couldn’t have it done it reaffirmed to him and me that not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure. I decided right then and there to have it done and couldn’t be happier with the results. I was back at work on Monday seeing my computer and everything wonderfully!”

If you or some you know is tired of the hassle of glasses or contact lenses for seeing at distance and would like to find out if LASIK might be a good vision correction option, please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or for Free LASIK Consultation.

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Vitamin C & Cataracts

Vitamin C & Cataracts

Cataracts are a common senior eye problem that occurs naturally with age and clouds the eye’s lens, turning it opaque. Despite the advent of modern cataract removal surgery, cataracts are still something seniors need to be aware of and work to limit their risk factors if possible. The role of vitamins and supplements in cataract development has generally been a bit uncertain. Based on some new research, it is thought that eating foods high in Vitamin C can cut the risk of cataract progression by as much as a third. The research is also the first to show that diet and lifestyle may play a greater role than genetics in cataract development and severity.

Probably the most important finding in this study was that vitamin C intake from food seemed to protect against cataract progression. While we cannot totally avoid developing cataracts, we may be able to delay their onset and keep them from worsening significantly by eating a diet rich in vitamin C.

If you or someone you know is concerned about senior eye problems such as cataracts or even has a cataract, please share this information. If you need a cataract eye exam please call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, Google+ or

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.