Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Myths about Sunglasses & Sun Eye Protection

Myth #1-The Darker the Sunglasses the Better the Protection
WRONG! The amount of UV protection sunglasses and UV protecting eyeglass lenses provides is not related in any way to their darknesses or lens color. If you make sure that the lenses are labeled “100 % UV Protection,” you can choose whatever color or darkness you wish and be fully protected.

Myth #2-Staring at the Sun Can Damage Your Eyes
For certain, staring at the sun is bad for your eyes and exposes you to the risks of various types of eye injury. First, excessive sunlight and UV expose can distort your vision. But more importantly, over exposure to UV light can cause photokeratitis-which is“sunburn” of the cornea, as well as damaging the delicate tissue around the eyes causing certain types of skin cancer. Further, too much UV sunlight can hasten the formation of cataracts and age related macular degeneration (AMD).

Keep in mind, 100% UV protection should be worn all the time, even in winter time when the sun reflects off the snow. Believe it or not almost half of adults simply don’t wear sunglasses! And, make sure you provide UV protective eyewear for kids…they need the protection 3 x more than adults!!

If you or someone you know has a question about sunglasses or eye protection for UV, please feel free to call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center or facebook.com/nwindianaeyeandlaser

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, is located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Use Flex Plans for LASIK New Year’s Resolutions

January and February are busy months at Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser center as many patients use their Flex Plans to make fulfill their New Year’s resolution of decreasing their need for eyeglasses and contacts for seeing at a distance. With Flex Plans LASIK affordable so that New Year’s resolutions including self improvements like LASIK are within reach. If you or a family member has Flex Plan funds to use, this is a good time for LASIK!

Many employers offer FlexPlans-Flexible Spending Accounts or FSA’s. These plans allow you to have money taken out of your paycheck over time to pay for LASIK. What is even more appealing about Flex Plans is that money is withheld in Pre-Tax dollars allowing you to get extra tax savings.

If you or someone you know has a question about LASIK or would like to schedule a Free LASIK Consultation please feel free to call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center or facebook.com/nwindianaeyeandlaser

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, is located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Glaucoma Eye Exams

Regular eye exams with proper glaucoma testing should be a routine each and every person participates in as they enter their 40’s, age through their 50’s and 60’s in order to maintain eye health and vision. Glaucoma eye exams provide the opportunity for early detection, diagnosis and treatment which are are the keys to preventing vision loss from glaucoma. This is why glaucoma eye exams and screenings are so important-especially is for any family member where there is a sibling with a history of high eye pressure or a diagnosis of glaucoma.

Eye Exams for Glaucoma
Eye exams for glaucoma should begin by checking your visual acuity with and without your eyeglasses or contact lenses. Then, the tonometry test should be performed. This is a method of measuring your Intraocular Pressure (IOP) and gives the eye doctors the first piece of important information in determining whether you might have glaucoma. Ophthalmoscopy is another examination procedure used to detect and diagnose glaucoma. Ophthalmoscopy is a method of carefully examining the inside of the eye-especially the optic nerve-in order to detect glaucoma.  It is necessary to have some eye drops placed in your eyes in order to dilate your pupils so that the doctors can make a clear and direct observation of the optic nerve.

If either the Intraocular Pressure (IOP) is elevated or the optic nerve appears unusual, additional tests will be necessary in order to complete the glaucoma examination. These may include Visual Field Perimetry, Gonioscopy, Optic Nerve Computer Imaging and Pachymetry. Should you need any of these tests we explain them to you and answer your questions so that you understand how they allow us to diagnose glaucoma.

If you are under 40 years of age and do not have any family history of glaucoma or ocular hypertension-and have no other glaucoma risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes or being of African-American or Hispanic descent, then having a glaucoma eye examination every two years should be sufficient. If you have any glaucoma risk factors, a family history or are over 40-especially if you are of African-American or Hispanic descent, then a glaucoma eye exam each year is recommended.

If you or someone you know has a question about glaucoma or glaucoma eye exams, please feel free to call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center or facebook.com/nwindianaeyeandlaser

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center, is located at 502 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Greater Glaucoma Awareness Needed for Seniors & Over 40 Adults

Seniors and those people transcending their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s should take heed to build a solid understanding of glaucoma, glaucoma risk factors and the  need to have regular eye exams with glaucoma evaluation as during these decades the  risk of glaucoma accelerates with the  aging process. Additional risk factors to be sensitive to include any family history of glaucoma-especially among siblings, diabetes and other vascular or circulatory disease. Patients should be particularly sensitive to the fact that in African-American and Hispanic populations, glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness.

Prevent Blindness America has designated January as National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Almost 3 million people age 40 and older have open-angle glaucoma, which reflects a considerable increase over the past 10 years. While there is cure for glaucoma, we know that the key step in preventing vision loss from glaucoma is early detection, diagnosis and treatment. This is why we want raise awareness about the importance of regular eye examinations to preserve vision especially for our aging population. We strongly recommend that siblings of glaucoma patients be screened each and every year as their risk of developing glaucoma is some 5 times higher than the typical population.
If you or someone you know has a question about glaucoma, glaucoma risk factors and glaucoma eye exams, please feel free to call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center or facebook.com/nwindianaeyeandlaser. 

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 522 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354.