Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Glaucoma Help with iStent® Microscopic Implant

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center eye surgeon Scott Buck, M.D. is pleased to be able to offer cataract patients with glaucoma an improved approach for treating their glaucoma. iStent® is an advanced technology microscopic implantable stent that can help reduce eye pressure for cataract patients with glaucoma. 

“Our challenges in helping glaucoma patients preserve vision stems from the fact that some 90% of glaucoma patients do not actually follow our instructions for using their glaucoma eye drops and we find that just about 50% actually stop taking their medication after 6 months. This is a real problem because if the eye pressure is not well controlled it increases the risk of permanent vision loss,” explained Dr. Buck. “By implanting the tiny-microscopic  iStent® (click to see implant video) we see the possibility that patients will need to use fewer eye drops for their glaucoma treatment and it is possible that that they might not need to use prescription eye drops at all,” further explained Dr. Buck.

The iStent® is FDA-approved for use in conjunction with cataract surgery to reduce eye pressure in adult patients with mild-to moderate open-angle glaucoma currently being treated with glaucoma medicine. In clinical trials, iStent® has been shown to safely reduce eye pressure, which is the primary cause of open-angle glaucoma.

If you or someone you know has a question about glaucoma, glaucoma eye exams or iStent® please feel free to call Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center at 219-464-8223, or visit Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center or facebook.com/nwindianaeyeandlaser

Northwest Indiana Eye & Laser Center offices are located at 522 Marquette Street, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 and 1001 South Edgewood Drive, Knox, Indiana 46354. 

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